Download your PDF User Guide & Resin Data Sheet:
Download your PDF User Guide & Resin Data Sheet:
PoxyArt Resin Material Safety Data Sheet
PoxyArt Hardener Material Safety Data Sheet
Want to know how much Resin you need? We use the following links to calculate it:
Resin Mixing Guide:
- Only mix as much resin as you need, rather mix too little and add more, than mix too much and waste.
- Make sure you work on a level work surface as resin is self-leveling.
- Working in a warm room helps the Resin flow easier. In winter you can even place your premixed resin and hardener in a bowl of warm water before mixing. (NOTE: Place bottles in a plastic bag so it does not come in direct contact with the water).
- Cover your work area with a protective pvc plastic sheet, any spills will be hard to remove once set.
- Gloves are recommended purely because it can get messy.
- Before the resin has set, it can be cleaned with Acetone.
- PoxyArt Resin can be tinted with a variety of pigments including inks, powders and even paint.
- Always do small tests and experiments when using pigments as they may have different end results.
PoxyArt resin is a two-part Epoxy Resin that is mixed in equal parts by volume (1 part Resin + 1 part Hardener).
For sake of clarity in this guide we will be mixing enough to fill a 20ml silicone mould. (This can be scaled up according to your needs.)
- Pour 10ml Resin (Part One) into your mixing cup.
- Add 10ml Hardener (Part Two) to the Resin to form a 20ml mixture.
- Mix slowly but well until no streaks are visible in the mixture. (about 3mins)
- At this stage, you can add a drop of pigment to colour your Resin or leave as is for a clear casting. (mix well after adding pigments to get an even colour).
- Let your mixture rest for a couple of minutes so air bubbles can rise to the surface.
- Pour your mixture into your mould (or onto your canvas, glass or photo etc.).
- You can use a heat gun or pass a blow torch or lighter flame just above the surface to pop any air bubbles.
- You have about 20 minutes work time before the resin will start to gel (depending on room temperature).
- Cover your casted item to protect from dust and leave to set for 8-12hrs (depending on room temperature).
- The Resin should now be set solid and easily handled but cure to maximum hardness in 7 days.