What do you require:
- PoxyArt Craft Resin
- Clear Tape
- Mixing cup & sticks
- Pigments of choice
- Lighter
- And your open bezel items
How did we do it:
- Always work on a level surface.
- Tape up the back of your Open Bezels. Make sure they are pressed down firmly on the tape. If there are any holes the resin will run out.
- I added a shell to my one bezel, which I also pressed down firmly onto the tape. In the earrings I mixed Pearlex Powder in to the resin and added some Pinata Blanco Ink as well.
- Mix your PoxyArt Craft resin as per instructions and add pour into your bezel.
- You can get creative with the colours or items you would like to add.
- Pop any bubbles with moving over the resin with your lighter. Carefull not to burn the Resin.
- At this point we put our resin in the pressure pot and left it under pressure over night. You do not need a pressure pot to create these items, but it eliminates all the bubbles.
- Close your work with a bowl or a box to protect it from dust.
- Remove the tape after 24 hours.
- You can trim off any access resin with a scissor or use some sandpaper.
- If you are unhappy with the finish that your tape has created, simply add another layer of clear resin over the top.